Apr 30, 2021
During Covid , people fanatically and faithfully binge watched all the amazing television series and then compare notes with family and friends, like water cooler chat but now on ZOOM! Who creates these television shows that you get to enjoy? So many people make it happen. Today it’s often times a different director...
Apr 16, 2021
This episode is part of our GOING GREEN SERIES. The movement/battle to protect land and natural resources has been going on for a long time.
Our guests: Rosa Hance and Cindy Dillon are both working on behalf of The Sierra Club in the state of Maryland.The Sierra Club was founded on May 28, 1892, with John Muir as its...
Apr 2, 2021
Jesse Morton was once a jihadist propagandist (then known as Younes Abdullah Muhammad) who ran Revolution Muslim, a New York City-based organization active in the 2000s and connected to a number of terrorism cases. He connected al-Qaeda’s ideology and transformed it for America, creating English language...