Oct 22, 2018
Special Guest: Arielle Hayat, a clinical herbalist, chats with us about empowering and guiding people to a healthier lifestyle and wellness from the inside out. In this episode we cover: What herbs can we take when we are stressed and anxious? What herbs help with digestion, adrenals, hormones, insomnia and more? What are some mood elevating herbs you can take if you don't drink alcohol? We learn about herbs from Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic traditions, Native American folk, European Herbalism and the Wise Woman traditions. How can we experience profound emotional and physical transformation? Listen and find out! Music Performance: Ilyana and James perform the song "Alchemy" written by Ilyana Kadushin. Listen now on: Itunes, Spotify, I Heart Radio and Stitcher. Please rate and review us where you listen.