Aug 30, 2016
Special Guest: Liza Zapol, an artist and oral historian who creates sound, multi media works and performance on the themes of memory and place using documentary methods. We chat with her about the differences between oral history and modern story telling. From the every day life stories to the preservation of major...
Aug 18, 2016
Special Guest: Jonny Dubowsky, a bonafide rock 'n roll scientist, whose thought leadership in music marketing as well as corporate social responsibility, helps communities to improve resources and communication systems that enrich life. We chat about making art, coding and composting and teaching kids about sustainable...
Aug 1, 2016
Special Guest: Jenna Spevak, an artist, designer and educator. She chats with us about making more resilient and sustainable environmental connections in an urban system. Her art projects are about hearing nature and finding well being. As a modern day pioneer woman, she built a cabin modeling Thoreau's, that is off the...